Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 2 EOC: Three Examples of Questionable Ethics

1. This first ad with questionable ethics that I found is a picture of two girls who are portraying models. Both women are hunched over a table snorting what looks like a white shirt. However, the white shirt is actually the drug, coke, which is layed out on the table in the form of a shirt. In the middle of the advertisement, the words “Fashion Junkie” is printed in white letters.  
This advertisement can be perceived two ways. The first way is that it’s touching on the subject of models in the industry who do drugs to keep their slender figure. The second way is that advertisement is literally portraying a fashion junkie. A junkie is a slang term to describe a person who does drugs. This advertisement’s portrayal of the phrase “fashion junkie”  is showing two models snort coke that takes form of a shirt, meaning that women’s obsession with fashion is like a drug.
2. This second advertisement features Twilight actress, Christian Serratos. She is posed nude against a tree hiding her private parts in the front while exposing her behind for the camera to see. The ad reads, “I’d rather go naked than wear fur”.
This advertisement encourages bad ethics because although adults would perceive that the lady in the picture may not literally mean what the ad states, a young child may literally perceive it that way. A lot of children in this world have pets and love them dearly. A lot of children would do anything for their pet and probably support fashion industries cutting fur from apparel. So when children see this advertisement, they are influenced with the idea that it’s okay to expose yourself in that way for the world to see because the lady in the advertisement is an advocate for animal rights.

3. The third advertisement is a fashion advertisement by Dolce and Gabbanna.This advertisment is a example of questionable ethics because to me, it degrades women. It shows males surrounding one women, almost as if a gang rape is going to take place. I am offended because this ad portrays that male have more dominance over women, which in my opinion is wrong.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 1 EOC: The Volkswagen Beetle

The Volkswagen Beetle “Lemon” advertisement is one of the most well-known ads in history. The Beetle advertisement first came out during World War 2, a time when large cars were popular and advertised to the public. It was also during a time when Germany was trying to rebuild itself as a country. At the time, BMW had a Jewish advertiser on their team who worked very hard to launch a successful advertisement for BMW, which was a very ironic situation due to the fact that Hitler was responsible for the fall of Germany, while killing many Jews in process.

According to bizjournals, "Ads before it were either information-based and lacking in persuasion, more fantasy than reality, or reliant on the medium's ability to deliver repeated exposure." This made the "Lemon" ad so popular at the time because of how different it was. It's simplicity was what it made it big.

My Voice

Fashion is an art form and one of my favorite ways to outlet my creativity. It is a way to showcase yourself to the world around you through apparel and accessories. From the style of my hair to the shoes that fit my feet, the way I dress expresses my inner being, mood, and imagination. Writing is also an art form and another favorite way to outlet my creativity. The act of capturing the words running through my mind and releasing them on to paper is a therapeutic experience. In fact, putting words together to create the perfect sentence is a lot like putting clothing together to create the perfect outfit. So why not combine them together? By lacing together two dynamic ways to forever get my creative juices flowing, I strive to live a life with a career where I can showcase my ability to write about fashion to the world around me. I've been told to write what I know, and I know fashion.